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Do you have Trial Class? 請問有沒有試堂?New member can can purchase Trial Class Tickets for 1 time HK$70 新學員首次來Neverland跳舞,可以購買試堂堂票 HK$70 (只限一次)
Can I use dance class coupons in both Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan neverland studio? 堂票在觀塘及荃灣可一齊用嗎?Cannot 不能! Online 系統可自由選擇"觀塘/荃灣舞室" 學員請先看清楚已選擇的地點舞室,才購買堂票。
How much of class coupons? 請問課堂套票幾多錢?Neverland has Single, 4 , 8 and 12 class coupons package. According to your member type, the coupon price will be different, the member types are Adults or Students. The validity period of the class package is calculated on the day of purchase. Each package has a different validity date. Neverland 設有單堂、4堂 及8堂 (有效期2個月) 及12堂課堂套票 (有效期3個月) 讓大家選擇購買。根據你的類別,價錢會有不同,類別包括成人及學生。 Please pay attention to the price list. Class coupons package is NON-RUNDABLE and it CANNOT be transferred to others. 課堂套票不設退款,不可以轉讓他人使用。 Class Coupons Pice List 套票價錢表 >> Please visit the following link: 請瀏覽以下連結:
What dance class do you have? 有甚麼舞蹈班?We have different level and type of dance classes. Neverland 設有不同程度及舞種的舞蹈班。 Class Schedule 課堂時間表 >> Please visit the following link 請瀏覽以下連結:
How do new members sign up? 如何登記成為學員?NEW MEMBER SIGN UP 新學員登記 ⭐ Neverland - Online Booking System 全新網上預約系統⭐ 已於 2024年7月29日正式公開使用 🌟學員可在neverland網站平台 🔸購買堂票 🔹預約課堂 🔸取消預約 🔹查看購買紀錄 🔸使用 Book 堂 QR code Scan 上堂 #方便 #快捷 ⏩️ 教學影片: 🔹Sign Up 新登記 🔸Buy Class Tickets 購買堂票
How to buy dance class coupons? 如何付款購買課堂套票?學員可在neverland 網頁登記, 登入後就可購買堂票! 如需要用現金或八達通付款 學員也需先在網上登記,才來 neverland 前台買堂票。
Can I join any dance class? 我可以參加任何舞蹈班嗎?Yes! Members can join any weekly dance class in vaild date. 學員可以參加任何舞種及程度的恆常舞蹈班。 不論 1/4/8/12堂課堂套票,學員可在有效期內預約任何舞蹈班。
Booking Class is Necessary?是否一定要預約上課?YES! 需要! 學員可在網上預約,7天前已可預約! If less then 2 students booking 2hrs before class, that class will be cancelled. 如果在課堂前2小時,預約課堂人數不足 2 人,該課堂便會取消,學員可預約其他舞蹈班。 請留意,課堂套票不會因此而延期,請留意。
How to book neverland dance classes (Not for Neverland Kids Academy)? 如何預約 neverland 恆常舞蹈課?學員在 neverland 網頁成功註冊後,就可登入預約課堂
Can I cancel my booking? Will my coupons be used? 預約課堂後,可否取消?會扣除套票嗎?Booking can be cancelled before 2hrs of dance class by sending Whatsapp message. Otherwise, class couponed will be deducted. 學員如果需要取消預約,必須在課堂開始前 2小時取消。 網上預約的學員,必須自行在預約記錄中,自行按取消預約,否則,課堂會被扣除。
Can I use my dance class coupon after several days from purchasing date? 可否先買套票,遲些先用?All dance class coupons should be used before expiry date, otherwise, it cannot be used. 所有課堂套票有效日期由購買日當天開始計算。套票必須在有效日期內使用,否則作廢。
Does Class Coupon have expiry date? What can I do if my class coupons are expired? 課堂套票有期限嗎?期限內仍然未用完,可以怎樣?Single Class is valid for 1 month, 4 and 8 Classes coupons is valid for 2 months, 12 classes coupons is valid for 3 months and it is counted from purchasing date. 購買 1 堂有效日期是1個月; 購買 4 / 8 堂課堂套票有效日期是2個月,購買 12堂課堂套票有效日期是3個月,由購買日當天計算。 Member should use all dance class coupon within expiry date. Expiry date can be extended for 1 month if you purchase 4 class coupons or above within 7 days from expiry date. Otherwise, all dance class coupons CANNOT be used. 學員必須在有效期內使用套票,學員可以在有效日期日後7天內購買4堂套票或以試套票續堂,否則作廢。
Can I extend my dance class expiry date if I get sick and I have approved medical document? 因為身體不適,需要入院治療,可以遞交醫生紙延期課堂嗎?All dance class should be used within expiry date. We do not accept any reasons for extending class coupons expiry date. Dance class coupon is NON-REFUNABLE and CANNOT pass to other students to use. 所有課堂套票必須在有效日期內使用,不接受任何私人理由延續課堂、不可轉讓他人使用亦不設退款。
How many students in class? 每班上課人數有限制嗎?Number of students are according to the requirements of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F). 每班人數上限將根據《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第 599F 章)及其他適用條例及/ 或其附屬法例(下稱「適用法律」)的要求而設定。
I only take one tutor dance class. If it cannot open class, can I extend my class coupons? 我通常只上一名導師課堂,這兩星期人數不足,未能開班,可以延續課堂嗎?"Dance class coupons can be used for joining different regualr classes. Members should use it within expiry date. 課堂套票必須在有效日期內使用,學員可使用套票參加任何恆常舞蹈班的舞蹈課,個別班別不足人數開班,並不能因此延續課堂,學員需根據狀況,在指定有效日期內使用套票。 Neverland Terms & Condition 條款細則:
Which dance class should I join? I never learn dancing before. 我從來沒有學過跳舞/很久沒有跳舞,應該參加什麼班別?Neverland have designed a dance class " Start to Dance" for those who never learn dancing. Tutor will teach basic body movement, rhyme and beat counting, basic dance technique. You also can join Hip Hop and Jazz Funk (Basic Level). Neverland 歡迎任何人士參加neverland舞蹈班,所以亦設計了專為初學者而設的流行舞蹈班: Start To Dance (零基礎 Beginner ),Jazz Funk (基礎Basic)及Hip Hop Funk (基礎Basic) 學員可在此課堂了解流行舞/街舞課堂的節奏、基本舞蹈動作、身體協調、節拍感等...
Is it any problems if I suddenly join the dance class? Can I catch up? 何時參加舞蹈班最為適合,插班是否不太適合?Tutor teaches new dance routine in every weekly class, even they like to teach the same song for 2 days class, but must teach new dance routine. New joining member can learn it as well and can follow it~ Neverland Weekly Class每一堂都是個別課堂,老師都會教導新舞步,不會有插堂情況出現!
This is my first time to dance in studio, what should i prepare and bring? 初來上舞蹈課,需要準備甚麼?"1. Please arrive 5 mins before dance class begins. 學員可在課堂前5分鐘到達準備。 2. Wearing sport outfits, sport shoes 穿著運動服裝,波鞋。(不可在舞室內穿著鞋、涼鞋、拖鞋等….) 3. You can bring your personal water or buy in neverland. 可自備飲品,neverland亦售賣飲品,可以在休息期間飲水。 4. Wating is NOT allowed in studio. 不可在舞室進食。 5. Video/Photo is prohibited without tutor approval. 除導師及職員准許下,才可拍攝 6. Please take care and safeguard your own personal belongings. Neverland is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings. 貴重物品必須攜帶入舞室,學員有任何損失,一概不會負責。
I am just 13 yrs old, can I join the dance class? 我們年13歲 ,可參加 neverland 舞蹈班?Yes, welcome to join neverland dance class! 12 yrs old High School Students can join neverland dance class! 只要是12歲或以上的中學生,就可以參加 neverland 舞蹈班! 3-13yrs kid and teens can also join Neverland Kids Academy Dance class as well. 3-13歲學員也可參加 neverland 兒童舞蹈學院的課堂。
Will you open studio in bad weather? 在惡劣天氣下,課堂如何安排?⚠️ 惡劣天氣安排⚠️ 🌩🌧 課堂開始前2小時,如果是紅雨或黑雨,8號風球,課堂將會取消! 已經預約的課堂套票不會被扣除!取消課堂,亦不會延期課堂套票,請各位學員留意⚡
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