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Neverland 條款及細則

  1. 學員必須全數支付學費才可上堂
    Pull payment is necessary before attending classes.

  2. neverland 課堂套票 有效期由購買日當天計算, 超過有效期之套票將作廢
    neverland dance class coupons expiry date is counted from purchase date, class coupons cannot be used after expiry date.

  3. 所有課堂套票不設退款及不能轉讓他人使用,學員如果生病、公幹或其他私人理由、課堂不足人數開班(最少3人開班)、課堂因個別導師理由暫時停止公開學員參加、導師不能教課取消課堂、因惡劣天氣而停課等情況,均不能延期課堂有效日期使用。學員有責任在套票有效日期內使用,敬請留意!
    In any conditions, all dance class coupons is non-refundable and cannot be shared or transferred. Min 3 students booking to open class. Coupons cannot be extended if class is cancelled with notification.

  4. 所有 neverland dance house 基本課程均適合中學學生參加 (14歲以下人仕也可參加 neverland kids academy 舞蹈班)
    High School student (age 12 or above) can purchase neverland dance house class coupons.

  5. 請於上課前15分鐘到接待處辦理報名手續及繳費
    Sign-in or register before 15mins of each class.

  6. 如果尚有課堂套票,學員可在有效日期後七天內購買4/8堂 (延2個月), 12堂 (延3個月) 。
    Expired class coupons can be extended for 2 months if purchasing for 4/8 class coupons ; 3 months if purchasing for 12 coupons within 7 days after expiry date.

  7. 所有課堂最少3人開班 (觀塘舞室) / 2人 (荃灣舞室) , 如果不足人數預約,課堂將會取消,套票是不會被扣除的,有效期也不會變更,學員可隨意預約其他課堂。
    Min 3 members (Kwun Tong Studio), 2 members (Tsuen Wan Studio) booking for opening class, otherwise, class will be cancelled. Class coupon won’t be deducted, expiry date is NO changed.

  8. 需出示有效學生證,才可購買學生價套票。只接受全日制學生。
    Only full time student can buy student price class coupons. Presenting valid student card is necessary.

  9. 如對課程進度或內容有疑問,歡迎在舞蹈室外觀課
    The studio has observation window. We recommend students audit a class before participating.

  10. 請注意每月上課時間,更改之時間將於Neverland Dance House 網頁、Facebook Page、Instagram或接待處出示
    Please notice the course time schedule of each month, the revised dance course schedule will be posted in Neverland Dance House webpage, facebook page, instagram and the notice board in reception.

  11. 請勿攜帶食物進入舞蹈室
    No food or drinks are allowed inside the studio.

  12. 請小心保管個人財物, Neverland Dance House Limited 將不負責任何財物之失竊或損毀。
    Beware of personal belongings, members should secure their valuables at all time, do not leave personal belongs in the lobby, lounge or changing room. Neverland Dance House Limited and tutors are not liable for any losses, stolen, or damaged personal items.

  13. 如果舞室因為疫情問題而需要關閉,所有課堂套票會根據關閉日數延長。
    If Neverland needs to be closed according to covid-19 government condition, all dance class coupons will be extended according to number of closed days.

  14. 預約課堂安排:
    Booking class by WhatsApp is necessary for ensure has enough students booking for opening class.

  15. 如遇任何意外以致身體損傷,Neverland Dance House Limited將不負任何法律責任
    LIABILITY DISCLAIMER – Neverland Dance House Limited as well as employees and teachers are not liable for personal injuries or loss of, or damage to personal property in Neverland Dance House. Each student may decline to participate in any activity. Please inform the teacher of any personal limitations you may have. If you have any doubt to your physical abilities, please consult with your doctor before participating.

  16. 在特殊情況下, Neverland Dance House Limited有權更換導師而不作個別通知, 請留意中心內張貼之通告
    In emergency circumstances, there will be no notify individual student when teachers become unavailable to teach their classes

  17. 惡劣天氣安排︰ 八號(或以上)颱風訊號及黑色暴雨警告懸掛時,所有課堂將會取消由八號改至三號(或以下)颱風訊號及黑色暴雨警告除下兩小時後,本中心將恢復運作
    Bad Weather Arrangement. All classes will be cancelled when Typhoon no. 8 or Black Rainstorm warning is hoisted. Classes will be conducted according to the Timetable 2 hours after Typhoon No. 8 is changed to No. 3 or withdrawn, or when Black Rainstorm Warning is withdrawn.

  18. 本舞室一般會於課堂、活動和演出中拍照或錄影以作紀錄,所拍/錄的相片或影像亦會作公開展示或宣傳用途,而相片或影像中團員的肖像權乃歸本團所有。若本舞室所選用的相片或影像涉及閣下的肖像,本舞室將不另行通知。

  19. Neverland Dance House Limited 為閣下提供最佳服務。我們尊重閣下的個人私隱,因此,我們在搜集、維護及使用個人資料時,保證遵守香港法例之個人資料(私隱)條例(第 486 章)的要求。有關本公司的私隱政策,請參閱私隱政策
    當neverland 會員購買課堂後,Neverland Dance House會不定期傳送宣傳電郵至閣下所提供之電郵地址。我們將提醒閣下neverland 的最新課堂、推廣優惠等資訊。閣下可隨時選擇不接收宣傳電郵,於宣傳電郵下方點擊「取消訂閱」連結即可。詳情請參閱私隱政策
    Neverland dance house would like to use your information to send you details of our latest promotions, services and events (including social events), as well as joint promotional campaigns with our partners which may be of interest to you and I have agreed to receive the promotion materials from neverland dance house. Members can unsubscribe eDM anytime by choosing the unsubscribe link in the email.

預約課堂守則 Booking Class Terms & Conditions

1. 必須先購買課堂套票才可預約
Please buy class coupons before booking.

2. 只接受課堂前一天預約 (不接受兩三天後的課堂預約🙅🏻‍♂️)

Please book class before 1 day, booking will be end before 2hrs of class. Class will be cancelled if less than 3 members to book.

All dance class before 5pm, need to be booked before 1 day.


3. 如果預約後想取消,請在課堂開始前Whatsapp *2小時通知我們*,否則你的課堂套票都依然被扣除,敬請留意!
If you need to cancel booking, please send WhatsApp message to us before 2 hrs of class, otherwise, coupon will be deducted.

4. First Come First Serve 名額有限,先到先得

5.  🔸預約格式 Booking Message Format🔸

Member no:
導師名稱 Tutor Name:
課堂日期 Class Date:
課堂時間 Class Time:

6. 1名學員最多可同時為4名學員預約 (包括自己),但請確認所有學員有堂票,其他學員不要再預重覆預約,避免混亂。
A member can help max 4 friends to book class in a WhatsApp message, please ensure your friends won’t booking class again.

7. neverland 將會回覆確認預約或者回覆預約已經滿額,會否加入候補名單

We will reply booking confirm message. If class is full, we will ask if you want to join waiting list.

💡 #Tips #溫馨提示
Please register and buy coupons earlier.
Please don’t ask “Can I book Class?”
Please send clear booking message to us, we will reply and confirm your booking.


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